“My father had prostate cancer so I got frightened when I also started having difficulties in urinating. I started buying any prostate medicine that was advertised for 8 years with the hope to cure my condition but it eventually became worse. I then realized that the self medications were not helping me so I had to go the hospital for proper care. Little did I know that if I had delayed further to see a specialist, I would have damaged my kidneys. When I was on my way to visit Dr Boateng of Likip Foundation, My urine flow got completely blocked. My bladder was full with urine and my lower abdomen was Swelling. I was in severe pains that I will never forget. I thought that was the end of my life. Thankfully Dr Boateng came to my rescue. I am now able to urinate freely. My advice to everyone is that, don’t waste time when you notice any symptoms in your body. Go to the hospital as soon as possible. Also, don’t wait to get sick before you go for body check up .”
Benjamin – Accra fire officer